Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 9 - Isla Vista and Los Alamos - Friday, September 10th

Ahhhh.... Finally starting the drive back home!

We decided to make a quick stop in Isla Vista before we went to Los Alamos to stay the night at my cousins'.

Del Playa - How I've missed you! Although, you are much cleaner than I remember.
6619 DP #8. Beautiful things happened here. I heart DP.
6625 DP #5. This is where Jeff lived with Mike Schaiman, Brian Jensen, Eric Giessler, Paul Nyugen, and a few others. He moved out two weeks before I moved in. The girls at 6619 became great friends with the boys at 6625. I love you all!!!
Here's the view off our balcony to the East. Beautiful.
Here's the view off our balcony to the West. Absolutely amazing sunsets.
A lot of the restaurants have changed, but Domino's is still there. TA's is gone :(  I probably wouldn't eat the sushi from a restaurant in IV...
De'ja vu had the best jalapeno poppers! Great for late night delivery!!!

For a snack, we went to Giovanni's. It was a beautiful day, and a lot of students were hanging out on the patio, eating pizza and drinking beer. I miss Isla Vista!

And then, off to my cousin Kelley's in Los Alamos to play with her and her beautiful daughter Mia. Eliana and Mia are three months apart and are going to have so much fun growing up together as cousins, along with one other boy cousin and two other girl cousins.

1 comment:

  1. oh the memories . . . so fuzzy . . . thanks for posting the pics, love it :)
