Monday, August 23, 2010

Vegas, Baby, Vegas - Day 1 - Friday, August 20th

Wow! What a great weekend in Vegas! My time was spent almost exclusively sleeping and eating. And I loved it! I also was able to spend a few hours at the spa while Jeff slept off his gambling hangover. We dropped Eliana off at my mom's house on Friday at 3pm with a cold and teething. There was a lot of snot and drool! I knew I was going to miss her, but at the same time, I was thrilled to leave her for the weekend! After emptying bags of Eliana's favorite foods and toys and many instructions, it was off to the airport.

Once we went through security and sat at the bar, I was ready to go! The new terminal at SJC is great. Lots of options to choose from. Even a wine bar! We started at the Sharks Grill with a chicken quesadilla with guacamole. Surprisingly, it was one of the best quesadillas I'd had in a long time. Perfectly crispy on the outside. Just the right amount of cheese. Delicious guacamole. Jeff did his usual pre-flight ritual of "drink as much as possible before getting on the plane." After this, he was ready to go! Even though he knows the flight is always bumpy in and out of Vegas, his sweaty palms told a different story. Poor guy!

Once we landed, things were great! 106 degrees in Vegas. Hello, Summer!!! I hadn't planned on this when leaving San Jose and was wearing jeans. I think I was the only one in the taxi line in jeans. By the time we took a cab to the hotel and checked into the Palazzo, it was 7:30pm. Our suite was on the 42 floor and overlooked The Strip. Perfect! I love the Palazzo!!! We unpacked and got ready to go to dinner. Since we were in Vegas, I felt it was appropriate to wear a dress which showed off my largest assets (my eyes), and we went to Sushi Samba for dinner. Jeff and I had previously gone to Sushi Samba in March 2009 and loved it.

Sushi Samba was great, but probably not as much fun as last time. We started off at the bar and I had a strawberry coconut mojito. Yummy! Jeff hadn't been drinking since Father's Day and had been watching what he ate, so he wasn't as willing to order tons of food like last time. But, he was willing to drink lots of beer. When in Rome... The first time we went to Sushi Samba, we had our server bring out her favorites. It was incredible! This time, we picked our choices off the menu.

Jeff started with flash-fried Japanese river crabs. I couldn't bear to eat them. They still had faces!!! (and claws) He said they were good and crunchy. Next was tuna tiradito (the waitress described tiradito as a Peruvian ceviche) with granny smith apple, serano, and lime. I thought this was fantastic! But, my first bite was much spicier than I had anticipated. The tiny serano pepper slice caught me off guard. Jeff didn't like this dish as much as I did because he thought all the strong flavors overpowered the tuna. Next, we had tempura wild mushrooms. It was good, but I probably wouldn't order it again. There are so many delicious items on the menu to try. Next was the seabass and miso anticucho (skewers cooked over wood creating a smoky flavor) and Peruvian corn. This was amazing! I could have had 10 servings of this!!! The seabass had a little bit of a carmelized flavor. The Peruvian corn is much different from what we're used to. Bigger kernals and much chewier. Finally, a little sushi. The Samba Strip roll was a lobster peanut sushi roll. It was pretty good. A little spicier than I anticipated. Jeff didn't like this one too much. I thought it tasted like a Thai springroll. I wouldn't order it again. Jeff's big pick of the meal was the three type meat churrasco with dipping sauces (ribeye, hanger steak, and linguica), all cooked less than medium-rare (for my husband). Surprisingly, the hanger steak was my favorite. I didn't try the linguica because I couldn't bear the thought of heartburn. Since it was Jeff's b-day, they brought out a special pot de creme chocolate dessert with two layers of chocolate and crispy chocolate balls on top. It was amazing! Try it!!!

Last time we went to Sushi Samba, we also ordered the Kobe Beef Ishi Yaki dish. They brought out a hot stone and thin slices of Kobe beef. Fantastic presentation! We cooked the Kobe ourselves on the hot stone and had different dipping sauces to choose from. This was fabulous! If we had ordered this again, it definitely would have added to the fun.

Something I noticed last time and this time at Sushi Samba was both times we were seated about 20 minutes after showing up for our reservation. Be prepared to be sent to the bar for a drink while waiting for your table.

After dinner, Jeff hit the tables and I went to bed. It was a great first night in Vegas!!!

Sorry for the lack of pictures. I only took one the whole trip :(

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