Sunday, September 5, 2010

Road Trip - Day 1 - September 2 - SJ-SB

Our road trip has begun! We're following the Giants to LA, Phoenix, and San Diego. We'll see a game at each stop.

We left San Jose at 5:30pm to spend the night in Santa Barbara before going to a Giants-Dodgers game in LA. My aunt lives in SB, so it's a perfect place to stop - I can visit my old stomping grounds and see family in one shot.

Eliana screamed for the first hour of the trip and cried for the next half hour. Jeff sat with her in the backseat and tried to feed her dinner. She refused to eat anything except baby cheetos and would cry if Jeff didn't feed her them. Any toy she had, she immediately threw between the door and her car seat. Wow, what a way to start the trip!

We stopped at a gas station in Gonzalez and she happily finished her dinner while crawling around the backseat. As soon as she was back in her car seat, she started screaming again. Initially, Jeff wanted to eat on the road, but at this point, he decided that stopping at the Taco Bell in King City wasn't a bad idea. Anything to get the baby out of the car! For the next 12 miles to King City, Eliana was still unhappy :(  In case you're wondering, the Taco Bell in King City is just as good as it's always been! And, it's been remodeled, so it's clean and kinda fancy. Way to go, King City! At this point, it was 7:30, so we gave Eliana her bedtime bottle in the parking lot of Taco Bell and hoped the rest of the drive would go smoother.

Once we started driving again, she fell asleep after 30 minutes. At least there wasn't any screaming this time!!! At ~10:15, Jeff decided he was too tired to keep driving, so we pulled over at a rest stop and quickly switched seats. Eliana woke up and squawked the rest of the 20 minutes of the drive. Poor thing.

My aunt lives at the top of a hill in Goleta. It's an absolutely beautiful property. When we got there, everyone was already in bed. At this point, Eliana had no desire to go to bed. She was wired after her nap. We let her play for a little while. It was probably 11:30 by now. When she started rubbing her eyes, we decided it was time for bed. She didn't agree. Every time we put her in her pack n play, she'd scream, like someone was trying to hurt her. After numerous attempts to try to calm her down, we brought her into bed with us. Into my cousin's double bed. Jeff, Eliana, and me, in a double bed. Awesome! At least, Eliana thought it was awesome. She'd kick Jeff and then reach over, pull my hair and laugh. Both Jeff and I pretended to be asleep. She didn't care. She thought the whole thing was hilarious.

Finally, she calmed down enough for me to move her back into the pack n play, but I had to bring it next to the bed, and keep my hand on her for her to not scream. It was after 1am. Ugh! What a night! At least, once she fell asleep, she stayed in bed until 9am. Yay!

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