Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Road Trip - Day 3 - Long Beach, Friends, Annie's b-day - September 4th, 2010

At 6:20, Jeff woke up and went to the gym. Ugh! How does he have the energy for that??? As soon as Evan heard Jeff up, and came into the living room and climbed into bed with me. I didn't know what to do with him, so I showed him how to "read" Dr. Seuss' ABCs on the iPad and hoped he would be entertained enough so I could go back to sleep. That wasn't the case, Erik and Vicky both woke up. Erik went to the gym with Jeff, and Vicky hung out with me. Oh well, there went my morning of sleeping in. At least Eliana was able to stay in bed until 9am.

We just relaxed with the kids and waited for the boys to get back from the gym with our breakfast. They brought us omelettes from Polly's in Long Beach.

For some reason, Jeff got me a veggie omelette. I'm not really a veggie kinda girl. In fact, I mentioned to Vicky that whatever the boys brought back would be fine, as long as it didn't have mushrooms. My omelette had mushrooms, squash, and tomatoes. All which are on my Least Favorite list. There were also hash browns on the side. The whole meal ended up being delicious (but I had to pull out the mushrooms). Eliana loved the squash and the hash browns. I definitely recommend Polly's for breakfast. It was yummy!

After breakfast, we had to get ready because Gabby, Stacey, and Baby Harrison were coming over to hang out! It was great to catch up with Gabby and Stacey and to have a little playdate with the kids. Fun times! (I tried to upload a picture of all of us, but it isn't working. In the picture, it's Vicky & Evan, Stacey & Harrison, Me & Eliana, and Gabby & Liliana. Yo Gabba Gabba is on the TV in the background. I'll try to upload it again later.)

After the kids took their afternoon naps, it was time to go to Rancho Santa Margarita for Annie's birthday fiesta! First, we went to their new home. It was perfect! I loved all of their engagement and wedding photos around the house. Audrey was there, and we were able to catch up quite a bit. Then, we went to dinner at Carmelita's, a super cute and delicious Mexican restaurant, and it's right on the lake.
For some reason, the RSM location isn't on the website, but it's the same restaurant as the Roseville and Fair Oaks locations.

We sat outside. It was really HOT out, but was great. There were over 20 of us, and the service was perfect. We had guacamole to start. It was a little spicy and had big chunks of avocado. Yummy! Eliana loved it also. I ordered the chile relleno special stuffed with lobster and shrimp. It was amazing. Instead of the pepper being stuffed and fried, like a traditional chile relleno, it was an "open-face" chile relleno. It was cut open and the lobster and shrimp were on top. Absolutely delicious! Jeff had tacos al pastor. He liked them, but said he had had better.

Halfway through dinner, Eliana was dancing on the table and eating baby cheetos. She shoved one too far into her mouth and started choking! Jeff started patting her back, and my infant CPR instruction kicked in. I immediately laid her facedown on my left arm and started pounding on her back. Within a few seconds, she was screaming. It was music to my ears. We walked around a bit to calm her down. Lesson learned: No dancing and eating cheetos at the same time!

Unfortunately, we had to leave dinner early because Eliana started getting fussy. We did stop at the lake to watch the ducks, geese, turtles, and fish. It's a cool little place. Eliana especially liked the ducks. I wasn't expecting such a pleasant night in Rancho Santa Margarita.

Happy Birthday, Annie!

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